About the Lehmer Generator
In 1949, a conference was held in Los Angles about the newly developed Monte Carlo Method, a computational technique that requires a lot of random numbers. Two Pseudo-Random Number Generators were discussed at this conference; one was the Middle-Square Method, while the other was the Lehmer Generator. Proposed by D. H. Lehmer, this Pseudo-Random Number Generator uses a surpisingly simple formula to produce random numbers.
This generator is also known as the Park-Miller Generator, after Stephen K. Park and Keith W. Miller, who published a paper on the generator in 1988.
Additionally, the Lehmer Generator would become the foundation for the Linear Congruential Generator family.
This generator is also known as the Park-Miller Generator, after Stephen K. Park and Keith W. Miller, who published a paper on the generator in 1988.
Additionally, the Lehmer Generator would become the foundation for the Linear Congruential Generator family.
The formula for this generator is X1 = aX0 mod M.
The values for a and M are generally chosen by the person implementing the Pseudo-Random Number Generator. However, for better results, a should be a primitive root of M.
The values for a and M are generally chosen by the person implementing the Pseudo-Random Number Generator. However, for better results, a should be a primitive root of M.
Tested Variants
- Lehmer Generator
D. H. Lehmer's originally proposed design, using his parameters. - MINSTD
A revised verson, currently featured as the minstd_rand function. - RANDU
RANDU was once a popular PRNG - but a flawed one. It has since been dropped from common use.