Glossary of Terms

Like any other technical subject, discussions of Pseudo-Random Number Generators will involve some specialized terms and jargon. Most of these are listed here, along with simple definitions.

Cycle (or Period) Given enough time, all Pseudo-Random Number Generators will either reset themselves to an earlier state or fall into a loop. The number of times the PRNG can be used before this happens is known as its Cycle, or Period.
Entropy This refers to the amount of uncertainty associated with a variable. In plain terms, the more entropy there is in a system, the more random and less predictable it is.

One of the best ways to improve a Pseudo-Random Number Generator's design is to find new ways of introducing entropy to the system.
PRNG An abbrivation of Pseudo-Random Number Generator.
Pseudo-Random Number Generator A method or process that creates seemingly random numbers. However, you can't really create true randomness using math, so they only appear to be random.
RNG An abbrivation for Random Number Generator. May or may not refer to a Pseudo-Random Number Generator.
Seed This is a value used to initialize a Pseudo-Random Number Generator. Often, this is used as the first state.
State An internal value or series of values that are used to compute the next random number. In many cases, this is just a stored copy of the previously returned value, though some Pseudo-Random Number Generators use an array of values or special tables to manage their internal state.
True Random Number Generator This is a type of random number generator that draws its state from a natural source of pure randomness, such as atmospheric noise or a source of radioactive decay. Due to the difficulty in creating or using these, programmers make do with Pseudo-Random Number Generators instead.

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