As people pray the decades of the Rosary, they think about specific events in the lives of Jesus and His mother, Mary. These events are referred to as "Mysteries", and they are divided into four sets of five Mysteries.
Although there's nothing preventing you from selecting the Mysteries of your choosing, most people prefer to stick to the traditional schedule, which works as follows:
Sunday | Glorious Mysteries |
Monday | Joyful Mysteries |
Tuesday | Sorrowful Mysteries |
Wednesday | Glorious Mysteries |
Thursday | Luminous Mysteries |
Friday | Sorrowful Mysteries |
Saturday | Joyful Mysteries |
The First Joyful Mystery The Annunciation In the sixth month, the angel Gabriel was send by God with an important message for a young woman named Mary. Hearing that she had been chosen to bear the Son of God, she humbly accepted her role in God's plans. |
The Second Joyful Mystery The Visitation During her pregnancy, Mary visited her friend Elizabeth, who was also with child. When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the baby in her womb jumped for joy, revealing to her that Mary was going to be the mother of their Lord. |
The Third Joyful Mystery The Birth of Christ A census was ordered, so Joseph and Mary traveled to Nazareth to be counted. But, since there were no rooms available, they were forced to stay in a stable. There, amid the animals, Mary gave birth to our Savior. He was then wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in the manger. |
The Fourth Joyful Mystery The Presentation in the Temple As the Law of Moses required, the infant Jesus was brought to the temple in Jerusalem and presented before the Lord. There He was blessed and worshipped by a man named Simeon and Anna the Prophetess. |
The Fifth Joyful Mystery The Jesus is discovered in the Temple The holy family regularly went down to Jerusalem for the Passover festival. One year, they were returning home when Mary and Joseph realized that Jesus wasn't with them. After searching for three days, they found Him in the temple, where His knowledge and understanding amazed the teachers. |
The First Sorrowful Mystery The Agony in the Garden In the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus prayed for comfort and that God could find some other way of saving Humanity. However, as much as He dreaded what was to come, He also acknowledged that God's Will must be done. |
The Second Sorrowful Mystery The Scourging at the Pillar As part of Roman law, those sentenced for crucifixion were to be tied to a pillar and scourged (whipped). Although none of the Biblical accounts go into much detail about this incident, it's not uncommon to find art depicting Him so badly beaten that bone can be seen in some of His wounds. |
The Third Sorrowful Mystery The Crown of Thorns In addition to the traditional flogging, Jesus' Heavenly Kingship was mocked by the soldiers, who dressed Him in a robe, placed a crown of thorns on His head, and forced a reed into His hands before sarcastically calling Him a king and spitting on Him. |
The Fourth Sorrowful Mystery Carrying the Cross Prisoners were expected to carry their own cross to Golgotha, and so Jesus was also compelled to drag the cross along. But after everything else He'd endured, His body lacked the strength to make it, and so the guards ordered a passerby named Simon of Cyrene to carry the cross the rest of the way while Jesus was marched along. |
The Fifth Sorrowful Mystery The Crucifixion With nails driven into His hands and feet, Jesus was placed upon the cross and hung up between two criminals. Above His head was a sign that listed His crime: JESUS OF NAZARETH, THE KING OF THE JEWS. |
The First Glorious Mystery The Resurrection Three days after Jesus died on the Cross, Mary Magdalene and a few other women went to His tomb to anoint the body with spices. However, they found the tomb standing empty, and a pair of angels announced that Christ had risen, just like He'd promised! |
The Second Glorious Mystery The Ascension After promising to send the Holy Spirit to guide His disciples, Jesus was lifted up, and a cloud hid Him from view as He entered Heaven, where He now sits at the right hand of the Father. |
The Third Glorious Mystery The Descent of the Spirit at Pentacost As the disciples gathered together to celebrate Pentacost, a sound like a mighty wind erupted from Heaven and filled the house they were in. Small flames were seen resting on everyone present, and now filled with the Holy Spirit, the faithful began to preach in many different languages, to the astonishment and confusion of onlooking unbelievers! |
The Fourth Glorious Mystery The Assumption of Mary Although this event is not recorded in Scripture, Tradition has long held that Mary was assumed bodily into Heaven in the presence of the Apostles, much like her Son. |
The Fifth Glorious Mystery The Crowning of Mary as Queen of Heaven Per tradition, the mother of the king would take on the role of Queen Mother, and act as a trusted advisor and advocate to the king. Since Jesus is the King of Kings, we can assume that after her assumption into Heaven, Mary has been crowned as the Queen of Heaven, and participates in His Kingship. |
The First Luminous Mystery Jesus' Baptism Although He had no sins to be cleansed of, Jesus still submitted to being baptised. When this happened, the Holy Spirit was seen descending from Heaven as a dove, and the voice of God could be heard saying, "This is My Son, with whom I am well pleased." |
The Second Luminous Mystery The Wedding at Cana When the host of a wedding feast ran out of wine, Mary turned to Jesus for help and instructed the host's servants to do whatever her Son requested. Jesus in turn had them fill jugs with water, which He turned into the finest wine. Thus this humble gather became the site of His first miracle. |
The Third Luminous Mystery The Proclamation of the Kingdom of God As Jesus preached throughout the land, He regularly warned the people that the Kingdom of God is cloe at hand, so we must repent of our sins and believe while there is still time. |
The Fourth Luminous Mystery The Transfiguration On day, Jesus took Peter, James, and John to a mountain top. While they prayed, Jesus began to shine like the Sun, and Moses and Elijah appeared with Him and talked with Him. |
The Fifth Luminous Mystery The Institution of the Eucharist During their final meal together, Jesus passed the bread and wine to His disciples, creating the ritual we know today as the Eucharist or Holy Communion. |