Roses for Mary

About the images used on this site

With only a few exceptions (such as the logo), the graphics on Roses for Mary were adapted from public domain sources. However, it would not be right to use these works without acknowledging the artists behind them.

On this page is a list of these works along with attribution and additional details.

Our Lady in a Garland of Roses
by Giovanni Battista Salvi da Sassoferrato

Oil on canvas, painted in mid-1600s.
This copy was edited to fade into the background.
by OpenClipartVectors

Source URL:
by Pearson Scott Foresman

Source URL:

This copy was edited to include a green background.
Three Marys at the Tomb
by Jacopo da Empoli

Oil on panel, painted in 1570s
Ascension de Cristo
by Alonso de Herrera

Oil on canvas, painted in 1617
Vaux Passional
by Artist Unknown

Cropped scene from the Peniarth Manuscripts, circa 1503 or 1504
The Assumption of Mary
by Guido Reni

Oil on silk, painted in 1638 or 1639
The Coronation of the Virgin with the Trinity
by Master of Rubielos de Mora

Oil on panel, circa 1400s
The Annunciation
by Luca Giordano

Oil on canvas, painted in 1672
The Visitation
by Philippe de Champaigne

Oil on canvas, painted in 1643
Birth of Christ
by Cornelis de Vos

Oil on panel, painted between 1615 and 1620
Presentation in the Temple
by Simon Vouet

Oil on canvas, painted between 1640 and 1641
Christ among the Doctors
by a follower of Hieronymus Bosch

Oil on panel, circa 16th century
The Baptism of Christ
by Nicolas Enriquez

Oil on copper, 1773
The Wedding in Cana
by Ambrosius Benson

Oil on oak wood, painted 1540
The Sermon on the Mount
by Carl Bloch

Oil on copper, painted in 1877
by Raphael

Oil on panel, painted between 1516 and 1520
The Last Supper
by Ambrosius Francken I

Oil on panel, circa 16th century
Prayer on the Mount of Olives
by Master of the Karlsruhe Passion

Mixed technique on walnut wood, painted in 1450
Christ at the Column
by Matthias Stom

Oil on canvas, painted in 1635
The Mocking of Christ
by Gerard van Honthorst

Oil on canvas, painted in 1638
Christ Carrying the Cross
by El Greco

The Crucified Christ
by Peter Paul Rubens

Oil on canvas, painted between 1577 and 1587

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