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Tips & Tricks

Whether you're new to retro first person shooters or a seasoned veteran, it's always a good idea to sit and share the different tricks of the trade. Who knows, ya might just learn something.

Read on to discover some of the advice that helped me survive in the AGM labs.

The game world is actually flat. It just looks 3D. This creates some weird quirks that are worth remembering, such as the fact that explosions are treated as columns of infinite height, and you can toggle switches or buttons regardless of how vertically distant they are.

Bullets are calculated based on line of sight (a trick called "hitscan"). Projectiles are not. Thus you can dodge projectiles but not bullets.

Radioactive sludge isn't good for you. Try not to stand in it.

Never stand next to something that can explode.

Wall segments that look different often hide something.

If you can see an item, there's a way to collect it.

The only thing worse than a live monster is an unexplored map. Check everything.

However tempting, don't just hold down the trigger. Most weapons pause between shots, which can throw off your aim. NEVER hold down the Missile Launcher's trigger - you'll just blow yourself up.

Also try tapping fire when using pistols or the minigun - it's more accurate.

Once a monster is aware of you, they will come for you. This means you can lead them into more vulnerable positions.

Prioritize your targets. Necromancers need to go first. Unless there's a real threat nearby, go for the zombies next since they use bullets.

The invisibility cloak powerup doesn't prevent monsters from hearing your gunshots.

Nor does it protect you from melee attacks.

The strength symbiote makes your fists super deadly for the rest of the level - not just for the time your screen is red!

Monsters hate each other as much as you hate them. They'll retaliate if something else hits them by accident. Try to encourage this.

FreeDoom's designers love traps: If something doesn't feel right, save before you do anything.

Lots of items lying around is never a good sign, either.

Each monster makes distinctive sounds. Learn to recognize some of them.

Listen for sounds you didn't make. For example, if you hear gunshots and they aren't yours, you're not alone. Ditto with doors.

Never stop moving. It won't make the bullets hurt less, but it will make you less of an easy target.

Don't collect large pickups when you don't need them. Come back for them once the monsters are dead and it's time to move on.

Sometimes the best option is to ignore the monsters and just run for the exit.

Disclaimer: This website is not affiliated with nor part of the FreeDoom project. FreeDoom is an open source project published under a permissive license, which allows sites like this to use their assets. To get your own copy of FreeDoom, follow the instructions provided here

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